Thursday, April 16, 2009

my mother

There is no good news about my mother. This past weekend was 'my' weekend to sit with her. Saturday morning when I got there she was very very sick. I sat with her all day and kept my eye on her. (we are lucky enough to have a good care giver) She is running fever, begging for water, and generally looking very bad. I called my oldest son who lives in Salado and told him if he wanted to see his grandmother alive again he had better come. He did come on Sunday to see her. Somehow, someway, she has managed to do a little better. I saw her last night and she was still 'hot' with fever and begging for water. (for you who do not know, my mother had a massive stroke and she lost the ability to swallow. Anything that goes into her mouth and is swallowed goes to her lungs not her stomach. She is fed through a tube in the stomach, she is given wanter through the same tube, she has had nothing by mouth since last June) This is so hard...Roxie


Echoes From the Hill said...

I'm so sorry you and your mother are going through this. It is very difficult. I lost my mom in February. It is awful, but you know that when they go, their suffering is over, and you know you did everything you could do.
Hang in there and take care of yourself.

Lynn said...

hello Roxie - this is a long shot but are you the Roxie who I "met" on Frugal Living site? My "name" was LKCUK - it just rings a bell with your news re your Mom.
Anyhows I am really really sorry to hear that she is so poorly.
Take good care, you are in my prayers.
PS Welcome to blogland :)