Tuesday, March 17, 2009

my mother

I am here today to blog about my mother. Her health is very bad right now. She is in the hospital. I am praying for God's will be done. My mother is 77 and has been wheel chair bound since a stroke in 2001. Now she is facing heart failure. She is seeing things. She is just very sad.


Alex M said...

Darling, just remember one thing. That no matter what she's facing, she's having an easier time because you are with her.

It is very hard to see a parent age and have their health decline. Even today, when I have dreams with my mother in them, she is never the age she was when she died. She's always younger. It seems that is how our subconscious mind remembers them -- even when they are still with us.

That's what makes it hard for us to see them as they start to have health problems. Just stick with her -- she's lucky you care!

Shelley said...

Roxie ~ Thanks for the comment on my blog. My prayers are with you regarding your mother and your husband's employment situation. But keep trusting in the Lord and he will always be there for you. Take care ~ Shelley

Alex M said...


I wanted you to know your comments didn't bother me at all! However, I was building up a lot of frustration making the page because Microsoft isn't very good about the color thing. It was Microsoft that got me colorly agitated. Never you!!!

50s Housewife said...

Hi Roxie! Thanks for the birthday wishes! Hope your mom is better.